Welcome to our website.
We are Luing cattle breeders ranching near beautiful Pelican Lake in South West Manitoba, Canada.
Our primary focus is the production and marketing of predictable maternal genetics that are adapted to the conditions encountered on commercial beef cattle operations across Canada and the Northern tier US states. The Luing's unique genetic background additionally provides beef quality characteristics that are in high demand amongst retailers of premium quality grass-fed beef.
Please use the drop down tabs to find out more about Medicine River Luings, the Canadian Luing Association or general information about the Luing breed.
To read the latest Canadian Luing Association Newsletter please
Previous editions are archived under the Resources tab.
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Contact Information:
Iain Aitken and Rowena Aitken
Box 130, Belmont, Manitoba, R0K 0C0, Canada
Telephone: (204) 537-2620 Email: iaineaitken@gmail.com