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Luings for Sale




We have a good selection of rising 2 year old bulls for sale. Reared under completely commercial conditions these bulls won’t melt when you use them and should provide many years of service. We will keep the bulls here at no charge until they have been semen tested in April. Delivery can be arranged across Canada and they can be export tested for American customers. 


Luing Semen for Sale​

The Association is now pleased to offer semen from Medicine River Warrior 21W (pictured top left at 8 years old.) A bull with exceptional longevity, breeding soundness coupled with perfect feet and legs. His dam reared calves until she was 23 years old. His daughters have proven to be more consistently trouble-free than any sire group I’ve ever owned. He was used extensively on heifers with no calving difficulties experienced. Heterozygous polled. 


Semen also available from:

Lochend Achayella 34P (pictured bottom left)

Rothney Grand 53G

Lochend Snowlander 185Y


Warrior semen is priced at $25/straw with the others bulls all $20. All F.O.B Calgary. Please contact the Secretary for further information.

© 2024 Iain Aitken

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